Friday, August 30, 2013

Free Yourself from Fear

Fear is necessary. It is good to have enough fear to stay safe while driving or riding a bike, or to be cautious around other situations that can harm us. We evolved with the ‘fight or flight’ response to protect us from immediate dangers. Fear can also be good to push us out of our comfort zone with worthwhile activities for an adventurous, fulfilling life. For example: public speaking, international volunteering, or playing an instrument on stage.

However, we have become a society where fear pervades every aspect of our lives, even for the most unlikely of instances. When we live in fear, and fail to confront our fears, we give up our freedom and peace of mind.

We spend a ridiculous amount of money on home alarms, car alarms and gated communities with security guards.  This is a result of accumulating stuff, but mostly, we are putting so much importance on that stuff that we feel we need to isolate ourselves.

Also, thanks to our sensationalist 24 hour news broadcasts, we are also afraid to let our children play outside or walk to school. This leads to further isolation in our communities, which actually makes us less safe. What a catch-22!  

What can we do? We can adopt a simple lifestyle, be a risk taker and embrace community.

The best thing about taking the approach to a simple life is that I live in content every day. I have almost eliminated the irrational fear in my life. I still have appropriate fear to keep me safe while riding my bike and to understand the importance of a healthy diet and regular exercise, but I don’t have that fear of being robbed, getting my car stolen,  not having enough money, or all the other ‘what ifs’ that we place on ourselves for the future.

To me, a simple life means that I don’t have a lot of things and I don’t have attachment to any of it. It is all replaceable... period. I know that most of my life’s desires can be accomplished relatively cheaply and the best things in life truly are free. So while I like to work, I work because I want to work, not because I have to work. I do not stress over getting or losing a job with a big salary or spending 40 years slowly accumulating money in the bank that I may never live to see or have the energy to enjoy. The things that are most important to me are the things money can’t buy: family, friends, health and control over my own work schedule and location.

I’m a risk taker. I took a risk investing in rental properties and it paid off. I then took a risk and quit my job to work as a freelancer. I still have fear with public speaking and pitching my business services and products, but I confront the fear and move forward anyway.

I embrace community. Getting to know your neighbors will provide more security and safety than any alarm system can provide and it is free and comes with peace of mind.

I live in the moment and love just about every minute of it. That is true freedom.

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